We are running VirtualIron 3.1.10 and I just planned to install a virtual machine with its disks on a raw storage (as we would prefer to keep things as ordinary as possible on the disks after a bad experience with VMWare and their VMFS-3 filesystem). It does however seem like the documentation is a bit lacking on how to create and use those in the Virtualization Manager. To quote the documentation:
Management of Raw Disks
Virtual Iron® allows raw disks to be assigned to VSs. While use of raw storage has certain advantages, they afford less management flexibility than the managed storage framework. You may want to use raw storage for either of these reasons:
Raw storage can be shared by multiple VSs. In contrast, vDisks must be assigned to VSs on a one-to-one basis
Slightly higher performance, realizable when using raw storage, may be required by certain classes of applications.
See for information on determining the raw storage that is available to each managed node, and for instructions on assigning raw storage.
For a discussion of raw storage, see REF.
Okay, so how do I actually add raw disk partitions to the virtual machines, and where is this REF?